Saturday, June 15, 2013

5 Ways To Overcome Dry Hair Naturally

This article about 5 ways to overcome dry hair naturally. How to overcome with dry hair should not go to the salon and spend a lot of money. In addition to spending a lot of money, your hair will most likely be getting damaged. This is caused because the treatments in salons tend to use chemicals and dryers that can actually make your hair more stress.

In order your hair to get back to normal as ever, there are several ways to overcome hair dry naturally without using chemicals. But before discussing further, you should know some causes of dry hair and had the following:

  • Too often exposed to direct sunlight in a long time.
  • Hair brushed too long on dry hair using a towel after shampooing.
  • Using a type of comb that is too solid.
  • Using a variety of drugs can also damage the hair.
  • Too often went to salon hair care can also cause hair loss, where salons tend to use chemicals.

Well, to overcome your hair is already dry and branched out, dry hair use ways to overcome dry hair naturally follows:

1. Reduce use of hair styling tools
Comb and the hair dryer are hair stylist tools that cannot be avoided at this time. However, use them too often makes your hair dry and split ends. For example, comb with teeth that are too tight it makes the hair branching due to friction with the hair too hard.

How to cope dry hair is to replace your comb with a comb that has bit tenuous. Thus, at least your hair is not experiencing the stress level is too high.

Stop using the blow dryer is also one way of overcoming dry hair. The heat level is too high, it can make the hair dry and more branched out. Stop the habit is will be difficult, but if you really want to stop your hair is dry naturally, then you should do it.

2. Release the bonds of the hair while sleeping
How to cope with the next dry hair is the hair untied while sleeping. It aims to give the hair a chance to breathe after a day on the belt. Many people do not realize this and sleep with hair bound state.

3. Don't often shampooing
For people who have too much scalp oil, shampooing every day may not be an issue. Instead, for people who have dry hair, shampooing every day is the wrong way because it will reduce the moisture scalp. The best thing you should do is wash it at least 2 days.

4. Do not use warm water for shampooing
How to cope dry hair that isn't less important is to reduce the use of warm water when shampooing. As in the know that too often wash using warm water can actually damage the hair. For those of you who are used to using warm water will be difficult to eliminate this habit, but if you think about its benefits, I'm sure you can.

5. Using Match Hair Types Conditioner
How to overcome dry hair is to use a conditioner. Conditioner itself serves to keep the hair moisture. Conditioner can be used after shampooing. Use right conditioner according to your hair type so hair is not damaged.

In addition to 5 ways to overcome dry hair naturally above, you can also use some natural materials around us to solve your dry hair. The following natural item that can be used to overcome dry hair:

Who does not know honey, it is also good for dry hair moisture. Don't be surprised if today many manufacturers of shampoos use honey as an ingredient shampoo maker.

Avocado fruit
How to overcome dry hair is to use an avocado. In addition avocado has good taste, the avocado is also known very well as a moisturizer for dry hair and split ends. How to use it, dab the avocado that has been destroyed with a little coconut milk mixture to the scalp. Allow up to a few minutes and rinse with cold water until clean.

Olive Oil
Using olive oil is one way to overcome dry hair. The content of vitamin E and antioxidants can moisturize dry hair and split ends. How to use it, dab scalp with massage about 30 minutes, after that wash using cold water.

That's 5 ways to overcome dry hair naturally without having to spend a lot of money to go to a salon. Hopefully this information can be useful for those who are having problems with dry hair.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Fast Way To Whiten Teeth Naturally

You now read fast way to whiten teeth naturally. Teeth is one of body part that very important in supporting performances. Well, what if your teeth are yellow like gold? No matter if your teeth is really made of gold, but if yellow due to less clean, how? This is can be problem, because the yellow teeth will be very disturbing appearance and reduce your confidence.

Before we discuss too much, first we identify several factors that can make teeth become yellow. Learn the following:

1. Smoking habits
2. The habit of drinking coffee
3. The habit of drinking tea
4. The habit of drinking fizzy drinks
5. The age factor and many other factors.

To be able to make your teeth white again, it takes quite a long time and probably will not be as white as the original. If so, how to whiten teeth quickly without the need for too long. Using teeth whitening is a fast way to make your teeth white again. However, there are side effects that can make the broken teeth and can dangerous for health.

One other way to keep teeth white again and no side effect is a fast way to whiten teeth naturally using natural materials that exist around us. Some foods that are believed to make your teeth white again, including fruit and vegetables. Apples, Pears and Carrots are some fruit that is believed to make teeth white naturally.

Yellow teeth cleaning can also use orange peels, how, simply brush your teeth using the inside of the peel is still fresh. Why orange peel? Because the orange peel is believed to contain bleaching agents that can make teeth yellow to white back. There are also a areca nut skin, simply by brushing your teeth regularly use a areca nut skin, can return your teeth clean and white.

The last way to keep your teeth white again are diligent can brush your teeth, of course. As it is known that the food is not cleaned after meals it will settle into tartar which can actually make teeth become yellow. For that, at least brush your teeth twice a day can make your teeth clean and free of the reef. So a few tips on how to whiten teeth quickly without side effects.

It's all about fast way to whiten teeth naturally. Do not forget to continue to maintain the health of your teeth with a toothbrush diligently. You need to remember that already yellow teeth will be hard to get back to white. So you must brush your teeth 2 times a day before and after wake up.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cause And Prevention Of Stroke

Hear about the stroke, you definitely think that only attack people who are elderly. But it is not the case in reality. According to data in the United Kingdom, there are about 150,000 people have a stroke each year and quarter are attacking people under the age of 65 years. The stroke also attacked even in children.

The cause of a stroke is suspected because of the unhealthy lifestyle. Smoking, excess fats, consuming too much alcohol did not increase the risk of stroke in a short time. But these factors is one of the causes of the incidence of stroke for life. In addition to the factors above, other factors why stroke can also attack the young and healthy are as follows:

Abnormalities At Birth
Stroke is a blockage of blood vessels resulting in a lack of oxygen supply to the brain. Annunciator birth defects as a major factor in the occurrence of stroke at a young age. Blood pressure increase too high is also one of the factors incidence of stroke, especially for people who suffer from hypertension. Besides hypertension, stress factors can also lead to the risk of a stroke at a young age.

Drinking too much coffee can also be a cause of stroke in young age. This is due to an irregular heartbeat. Most beat too fast so that the organ stops to pump blood and oxygen to the brain. Blood then stops in the heart that can clog and cause stroke. The cause of stroke can also be due to hereditary factors that cannot be avoided in one family.

Dr Clare Walton of United Kingdom Stroke Association, said that assumption was only attacking stroke old age was incorrect. " I would say that there is a mistaken that it is just the condition of the elderly. One quarter of strokes occur in people of working age and the kids and the baby also had a stroke. We must understand that everyone have the risk of stroke and not just in old age".

So the cause of stroke is not entirely because of old age, but it could be due to lifestyle, heredity and improper diet. Not that people who have a healthy life can be free of stroke, but the people have bad lifestyle do not attacked this disease. So back again to the will of the Almighty, the important thing we've been trying to live a healthy life.

And this is the end of article about cause and prevention of stroke, may be useful for all of us.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Benefits Of Olive Oil For Heart Health

Benefits of olive oil has long been known to be very good for heart health. The fat content and low in kolestrol believed to prevent the occurrence of heart disease. Fat and cholesterol content of low trust in very good to prevent heart disease. Especially for people who are elderly, consuming olive oil may reduce the risk of stroke compared with those who do not consume olive oil.

The results of several scientists from the National Institute of Health and Medical Research in Bordeaux, France, revealed that of the 7,625 who were 65 years, 148 people were confirmed stricken with a stroke. Respondents were divided into several groups, first group use olive oil and the other one are not using olive oil.

Of all activities of the body and the type of food eaten, it was found that respondents who consume olive oil have a lower risk of stroke 41 percent compared they did not consume olive oil. But according to a neurologist at Columbia University Medical Center in New York, Dr. Nikolaos Scarmeas, the study still is "observational".

Although still an observational according to Dr Nikolaos Scarmeas, but researchers still trying to get the best results, and the result is that the olive oil, it proved able to reduce stroke lower. Because this is still a research, it is for the future, research will be done clinically, to follow the development of the requested object using olive oil and are not menggunannya.

Well, not just olive oil benefits for heart health, but olive oil can also be able to prevent breast cancer. With the content of a single-chain polyunsaturated fatty, vitamin E and polyphenolic compounds contained in olive oil is believed to reduce the risk of cancer. Research undertaken by scientists from Spain found that olive oil is able to block gen growth of breast cancer cell.

That's the benefits of olive oil for heart health and other body parts, hopefully this information can be useful. In addition to consuming olive oil, try to exercise diligently by doing a lot of activities that can put out the sweat.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Natural Ways To Whiten Face Quickly

We talk about natural ways to whiten face quickly. Having a clean white face is every women dreams, sometimes it is not always true, because there are women who do not want a white face. The reason is because it tends to look pale white face and does not look attractive. But it's just a matter of choice, because women want to have a clean white face and looks natural.

For ladies who want to have a facial skin and natural white, there are some natural ways that you can use to make your face look white in just a week. Besides more expensive, the risk was not caused by the use of technology or bleach that many are sold in cosmetic shops.

Learn more about natural ways to whiten face quickly with read tips below.

1. Using Pure Milk
You must follow this step, before sleep, dab milk until flattened on your face. Allow up to 30 minutes until all the dead skin cells taken out and rinse your face with cold water until it clean. Use this method routinely in some weeks and you will see results. If you are not satisfied, you can also use the milk for bathing. This method has been used by many spa places that are currently widely available.

2. Using Jicama
Vitamin B1 and Vitamin C in Jicama can help eliminate the black spots on the face and helps brighten dull face. The step is jicama made in the mask after it mashed and put the jicama in the scar. Allow about 30 minutes to soak into the pores of the skin, then rinse with warm water to clean so that all the dirt on the face come up.

3. Using Potato
Not many know that potatoes can also be made as a facial bleach. Natural whitening substances contained there in can make a clean white face. Use the potato mask regularly to get maximum results.

4. Aloe Vera Mask
In addition to nourish hair, aloe apparently also believed to make the skin become white. How to use it, mix the aloe vera that has been destroyed with lime juice and apply on face to dry and rinse with warm water.

5. Honey and Lemon Mask
Who does not know honey, great benefits contained in it to make a liquid derived from the bee to be the drug most widely in the rush by the public. In addition to medicine, honey can also be found to make the skin become white. How to use it, mix honey with lemon juice and apply on your face. Allow a few minutes and rinse with cold water until clean.

It is a natural ways to whiten face quickly using natural ingredients that are all around us. Besides more expensive, the risk is almost nothing in comparison with bleach that many are sold in the market.

Monday, June 10, 2013

How To Prevent Coronary Heart Disease

Now you read about how to prevent coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease is the number one killer disease in the world today, especially in Indonesia. However, until now there is no drug that really powerful to be able to treat this deadly disease. Even so, it does not mean coronary heart disease can not be prevented. As it known this diseases is caused by unhealthy life pattern which is now a lifestyle of today's society.

Well, one way to prevent coronary heart disease do not attack you is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, especially in foods. As it known there are a lot of foods that actually be a source of fat deposits in the body that cause coronary heart disease. In addition to maintaining a healthy diet, exercising is one of the best activities to prevent coronary heart disease.

With diligent exercise and is supported by a balanced diet, coronary heart disease can be prevented early on. Because with regular exercise, all LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the body can be reduced and increase good cholesterol or HDL. In addition, regular exercise can make the body become relaxed and free of excessive fat, where fat is the source of coronary heart disease.

In addition to eating healthy foods, reduce consume lots of foods that contain a sugar, such as soft drinks and beverages containing sugar that many others will reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Eat sugar that made from corn is very recommended, and not too many foods that contain a lots of carbohydrate, Because carbohydrate is converted to fat in the body. Wheat is an excellent alternative foods to reduce the carbohydrate in the body.

For you who like to smoke, maybe you should stop this habit, Because can self-harm, smoking can also harm people around you who do not accidentally inhale. As we all know that smoking is not good for heart health and can lead to coronary heart disease. Besides can cause heart disease, can also damage the lungs and can cause mouth cancer is very dangerous.

Some Symptoms of Coronary Heart Disease:
  • Pain in the left chest
  • Blown
  • Cold sweat
  • Irregular heart rhythm
  • Nausea and vomiting

By knowing the symptoms of coronary heart disease, so prevention can be done early. Therefore, if you experience symptoms such as the above, then you should stop before it gets worse. And keep your diet healthy lifestyle and diligent exercise.

So little information about how to prevent coronary heart disease, may be useful. Prevention is better than cure, so keep your health and eat nutritious meals.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

5 Food Sources For Eyes Than Carrots

We tell about five food sources for eyes than carrots. During this time, we only assume that carrot is the only source of vitamins that are good for the eyes. There are 5 sources of vitamin that are not less great with carrots. Now you should consume 5 to these foods as an alternative to keep your eyes healthy. If you do not like eat carrots.

We know that carrots are rich in beta-carotene which is very good for eye health. Beside rich in beta-carotene, carrots are also rich in antioxidants is a very good to protect the body from cancer-causing free radicals. So your opinion is wrong if carrots just for eye health. Well, any food that could be a source of vitamins for the eyes than carrots?

This is five food sources for eye health beside carrots. This food is easy to find and very easy in processing. So there is no reason for you to don't like consume it. More information about food for eye health can read below.

1. Orange juice
Oranges are one best sources of vitamin C which is good for your health. Well, besides good for the body, vitamin C was also very good for the eyes health. According to the American Optometric Association, vitamin C can reduce the risk of cataract. So nothing to lose to consume orange juice every day, but try a natural sweetener such as sugar because diabetes risk.

2. Oyster
Oysters are one of the foods that are rich sources of zinc. Did you know that it turns on an oyster mineral is needed by the eye to help vitamin A to produce melanin which is needed by the eye. So do not underestimate these foods.

3. Cabbage
Cabbage was rich in beta-carotene which is needed for healthy eyes. Cabbage is also believed to prevent cataracts in the eye. In addition, cabbage is also serves as a protective eye retina and may decrease the risk of macular degeneration due to age.

4. Peanuts
Peanuts can also be a very good alternative for the eyes than carrots. Because peanuts are rich in vitamin E and omega-3 which is an essential ingredient for eye health. Vitamin E and omega-3 has been shown to prevent cataracts and age-related disease.

5. Quinoa
Quinoa is a grain plant like seeds and can be eaten but not including grass family. Quinoa is believed to reduce the cataract disease of old age.

Well, that's five food sources for eyes than carrots. Hope can be an alternative for you who do not like carrots.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Benefits Of Carrots For Women

You can find benefits of carrots for women. Benefits of carrots not only for the eyes, but carrots are also good for the health of the body. According to experts, carrots are rich in antioxidants, the compounds are useful for protecting the body from cancer-causing free radicals. Vegetables that have this orange color as we know it as a source of beta-carotene befungsi for eye health.

During this time we are assuming that the only green vegetables are rich in antioxidants, but that notion seems to be eliminated. Beside rich in beta-carotene for eye health, school is also believed to help regenerate the skin more easily. Well, besides good for the eyes, carrots also have a myriad of other health benefits.

1. Prevent Cancer
Falcarinol the content contained in carrot proved very effective to reduce the risk of developing cancer. High fiber content can also help cleanse the colon and also improve the quality of the good cells in the body, especially the breast cells.

2. Beautify Skin
At the beginning already mentioned that carrots are very good for skin health. This is because vitamin A is very effective to treat the skin from within. Especially to treat skin damaged by the sun. Vitamin A also helps remove dead skin or pigmentation on the skin. So do not be surprised if carrots can also be made in a face mask to cleanse dull.

3. Antiseptic
Since ancient times believed carrots as an antiseptic to prevent infection caused by injury to the skin. The trick is to put a piece of carrot on the injured skin and tie it to dry. Guaranteed the wound will quickly heal and prevent infection sustainable.

4. Caring for Teeth
According to experts, carrots are very good for maintaining dental health. This is because carrots befungsi like toothbrushes that can lift the accumulation of plaque that sticks to the tooth surface. The trick, simply by chewing raw carrots regularly every day, then in a matter of weeks the teeth will look whiter and cleaner.

5. Reduce the Risk of Stroke Attack
According, carrots can help reduce the risk of stroke. Even carrot consumption is believed to reduce the risk of stroke by 68%. So there is no excuse for not eating carrots. In addition to healthier, carrots are also very tasty if made vegetable soup.

So that is little information about benefits of carrots for women. Hopefully this information can be useful for you. Do not forget to share this article if you found this article beneficial. Regards

Friday, June 7, 2013

New Tips To Prevent Heart Disease Naturally

I want to share about new tips to prevent heart disease naturally. There is a sentence which says that prevention is better than cure. This sentence is perfect for anyone who wants to be healthy and free from any kind of diseases, including heart disease. As it is known that it is the number one killer in the world today. The cause is an unhealthy lifestyle.

Well, there are tips on preventing heart disease that may be worth a try for you, in addition to eating nutritious foods and exercising of course. Maybe these tips for some people does not make sense, but it never hurts to try on. Besides these methods are still quite reasonable and could also to maintain a healthy body, so the body can be free from any diseases. Want to know what tips to prevent heart disease? Let's refer to the following.

1. Go Vacation
Vacation does not have to go abroad and spend a lot of money. Vacationing can be done anywhere, which is important to relieve stress and free from any haris haunting routines. With a vacation, a happy heart and the body becomes relaxed and this is very good for preventing heart disease.

2. Maintain Dental Health
I'm sure you've heard that cavities can lead to heart disease. This is because the nerves in the teeth closely related to the heart. So it never hurts to diligently maintain your dental health, in addition to spare you from, the heart would be healthy. One way to maintain dental health is to diligently brush your teeth 2 times a day.

3. Enough sleep
The researchers say that sleep at least 8 hours a day can help reduce heart disease. Meanwhile, people who only sleep less than 8 hours a day 2 times the risk of having a heart attack. So you need to sleep 8 hours a day to continue to maintain the health of your heart.

4. Eat Chocolate
Blessed are you who love to eat chocolate because according to research, chocolate proved to be effective in preventing heart disease. In addition to preventing heart disease, eating chocolate can also lower the risk of developing diabetes. But it is not the origin of chocolate, but it should contain as much as 70 percent cacao.

5. Laugh
Tips to prevent subsequent heart disease is to laugh. With a laugh will make the blood flow in the blood vessels become smooth and also reduce stress. One way to get a laugh is by watching a funny movie or joking with friends with lighter topics.

That is new tips to prevent heart disease naturally, may be useful. Do not forget to share with those closest to you through one of the available share buttons below. Regards

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mangosteen Skin, An Herbal Remedy For Heart Disease

This article about Mangosteen skin, an herbal remedy for heart disease. Pollution levels are so high that made health of every human is increasingly declining. This is caused by free radicals almost every day inhaled into the body and causing blood vessels sediment that can cause blockage of blood vessels. As a result, even fatal, which inhibits blood flow to the heart and can lead to death.

In order to free radicals that enter the body are not accumulating, which can lead to heart disease, it is necessary to remove free radicals antioxidants such. Herbal remedies are believed to be very powerful to rid the body of free radicals is mangosteen peel. That's thanks to the content of antioxidants in it which is very high compared to other fruits.

Besides being known as an antioxidant, mangosteen peel is also known as the heart of the most powerful drugs. Nowadays, herbal medicines for heart disease has been found. Xamthone the content contained in mangosteen have skin believes many people in a very powerful way to treat heart disease. So do not be surprised if this tropical fruit in dubbed as the queen of fruit or fruit ratuh.

Nickname as the Queen Of Fruit is not wrong, in addition to containing xamthone, mangosteen peel is also rich in vitamin C, B1, B2 and calcium, potassium, sodium and iron are also believed to cure various diseases, particularly heart disease. Xamthone function itself is a protector of cells in the body and repair cells that have been damaged.

Besides as an herbal remedy for heart disease, mangosteen peel is also useful for treating hypertension, liver cancer, stomach cancer, lung cancer and breast cancer. Is antiproliferasi which serves to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the body. Not only there, mangosteen rind was in trust as a remedy for the chemotherapy to reduce the impact of chemotherapy itself.

To make the skin of the mangosteen as a drug, you do not need to bother to process it themselves. It is, because it's been many types of stores that sell mangosteen rind as an herbal remedy for heart disease. One type of heart drug made from the skin of the mangosteen is Xamthone Plus. This drug is sold in bottles ready to drink on sale at affordable price.

Hope this article about mangosteen skin, an herbal remedy for heart disease may be useful for you.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

New Tips To Lose Weight Fast

How to lose weight in a short time? You can read new tips to lose weight fast in this articles. This is question that often appear in the minds of people who have more weight. Especially if you should attend your friend's wedding party next week. You must think hard how to be perfect in the event and to become center of attention, is not?

Well, for you who really want to lose weight in less than 1 week, maybe some of these tips can be one of your programs. There are at least a few powerful way to lose weight in a short time without taking slimming drugs. Learn more about how to lose weight in a short time you can see below.

1. Eat a lot of Fruit & Vegetables
eat many fruit is one way that you can do to reduce your body weight in just less than 1 week. In addition to multiply the quantity of meals usually only 3 a day could be 5 to 6 times a day in a little portion.

2. Drink before eating
Before eating, try to drink water to keep Your hunger can be slightly reduced. In addition to helping increase body metabolism, drinking plain water can also reduce hunger. Thus You don't really lusting for overeating at lunch or dinner.

3. Eat frequently
Eat many times in serving a bit better than packed in portion a lot. This is because eat in small portions can help metaboslisme the body and also lose weight. This is because eat little but often prevent you from hunger and eliminate excessive appetite. So it's time you started to revamp your diet as often as possible with a little portion than all but many.

4. Don't eat junk food
You actually already know calories in fast food. To that end, if you want to lose weight in less than 1 week, you have to resist not eating junk food within a week so that your weight can soon go down.

5. Eat Red rice
Consume more red rice on recommend to you who want to lose weight within 1 week. This is because red rice contain complex carbohydrates, which take a long time for the body to process, so that the stomach feel full for a long time. In addition, the red rice is difficult to digest so your body uses a lot of energy to the process so as to reduce a lot of calories.

6. Avoid fried foods
Who would not know the fried foods? The food is good, but the fat content contained therein is precisely the cause of pile of fat in the body that could potentially increase the weight. To that end, we recommend that you avoid this type of food for a while if you are on a weight loss program.

That's new tips to lose weight fast. Hopefully this article can be useful for those of you who are on a weight loss program. If you feel the article is useful, don't forget to share through the share button below. Bye